Here is where it all begins we will meet up have a coffee and a chat about what you are looking for and would like to get out of your web site.
I will have my trusty note pad and pen so I can get the right infomation of what you want the web site to do and how it looks. We will also discuss search engine optimisation (S.E.O) as this is a major factor in building Smart web sites.
The Design Stage
Ok so I now have a good idea of what you are after I then take all info and start putting some ideas together once I feel I may have the right look for you site/project I start putting the ideas into Photoshop and produce a mock lay out.
Once I have created the visuals I send them to you in JPEG format for you approval here is where you can say what you like don't like and I can make all relivant changes.
The Development Stage
Ok so we have the design sorted and you are happy with how the web site looks I then start to build the web site (this can take 1 week to a few months) depending on how large the project is.
In this period I will register your company domain name and sort out hosting for your live site. Through out this process I will put your web site on a live test server so you will be able to see the progress of your web site.
The Launching Stage
Ok so your site is now built and ready to go once your site goes live I will include it into all the major serach engines such as Google and Bing (this can take up to a few week).
I then give your site a final once over making sure there are no mistakes such as spelling mistakes (I am only human) ensuring all your meta data is correct and rellivant.
Then thats it you are the owner of a beautiful fully functional Smart web site.